Friday, November 11, 2011

Fashion Beauty Friend Friday: No makeup!

This is possibly the most terrifying thing I have ever done. But here goes:

Today, Fashion Beauty Friend Friday's theme is no makeup, and is hosted by Franca of Oranges and Apples. Participants are encouraged to post a photo of themselves without a smudge of cosmetics. So here I am, completely sans makeup. Feel free to gawk.

I don't have an extensive history of using cosmetics. In high school I wore nothing more than a quick brush of clear mascara (anyone remember that?) and Bonnie Bell Lip Smackers, preferably in a brownish shade that tasted like Dr. Pepper. I stuck to this routine until my wedding, when an hour with a makeup artist transformed me from ordinary, somewhat exhausted-looking twenty something into a person decidedly more grown-up and glamorous. I was stunned by the change. And I've been wearing makeup ever since. I am the woman who puts on a full face of makeup even when I know I will not being leaving the house. Even when I'm sick. And even when I have no desire to be around people at all.

I use makeup as a way of concealing my imperfections, those age spots and freckles and wrinkles and occasional pimple. With it, I don't necessarily feel more beautiful or prettier. I feel more acceptable. I feel more deserving of being out in public and exposing myself to others. I don't use makeup to accentuate my features. Rather, I use it to conceal those I despise.

My morning cosmetics routine consists of the following: MAC foundation; Urban Decay eye shadows, usually from the Naked Palette; Sephora or Urban Decay eyeliner; Dior's DiorShow mascara (which makes my lashes look long enough to ensnare small birds); and Dior blush. If I'm breaking out I usually layer  a light dusting of MAC's pressed power over my foundation. I almost always wear lipstick or gloss as well - I like MAC's New York Apple and Sephora's ultra vinyl lipstick crayons.

Going without makeup for these photos will probably be the only time I am seen in public without it. Frankly, I feel hideous. But I thought it'd be an important step in my quest to embrace my body as it is and develop a more positive body image. It's forced me to wonder why not wearing makeup is so scary for me, and has made me reconsider my need for it on those days I don't leave the house.

As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Do you wear makeup? What's your daily routine? When did you start wearing makeup?

Fashion Beauty Friend Friday was created by Katy Rose of Modly Chic. Become a member of the Fashion Beauty Friend Friday Google Group to join in the discussion!

In case you missed it:

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