Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A giveaway, just for being you.

Last week, as I was laying on my death bed praying to Jesus or Allah or Jehovah or really, whichever God would take just one minute out of their busy schedule to listen, I worried. I worried that y'all would leave me. I worried that this little blog, on which I spend hours crafting posts containing words of wisdom on things like hair color and crying in dressing rooms and Spanx, would fade into oblivion. Like the Paris Hilton/Lindsay Lohan feud of 2003. (Good for them for moving past that.)

But you didn't leave. No, you stuck by me, waiting until I was recovered enough to wean myself of Nyquil and post again. And for that, you should be rewarded.

So I'm offering a little giveaway just for you. I present to you a Missoni for Target large make-up case. It can hold all of your lipsticks and eye shadows and liners and concealers and is pretty awesome.

Also included in this giveaway is a $25 gift card to Starbucks, because we all deserve pumpkin spice lattes and hot caramel apple cider or even chai lattes at this time of year.

To win, answer these questions in the comments:
  1. Does Dress With Courage like rompers?
  2. My favorite post ever from Dress With Courage is _______.
  3. Dress With Courage is originally from A) New York City, B) California, or C) some godforsaken state in the Midwest.
  4. Should Dress With Courage open a shop on Goodsie, where you, yes you, can buy her clothes and shoes and bags and vintage finds? (There is no right or wrong answer to this question. I'm asking for a friend.)
Assuming you answer all of these questions correctly and aren't a spammer, you'll be entered to win. You should also be following me on Google Friend Connect, so I know you're a loyal reader. Then I will use the internet to pick a winner. Because that's how it works.

Disclaimer: Giveaway ends November 18th. US residents only. Winner must contact me with their email and mailing address when the giveaway ends or they will forfeit their winnings. Target, Missoni, and Starbucks did not provide the prizes for this giveaway. They have no idea who I am. I could disappear forever and they would never know.

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