Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Everybody Everywear: Lucky legwear (Colored tights edition)

Gap Outlet sweater; thrifted vintage skirt ($0.99); Urban Outfitters tights; Urban Outfitters boots; Vintage Martini vintage clutch; Forever 21 bracelet

Let me begin with a list of trends from this past year I have managed to avoid:
  • High waist jeans.
  • Statement necklaces and earrings.
  • Nail art.
  • Rompers.
  • Overalls.
  • Platforms (and flatforms, whatever they were.)
  • Colored tights.
I do not hate any of the above items. I do not drink of the haterade, as it were. But I hate the word "trend." It implies a slave-like devotion to a product without much thought as to whether said product is flattering or even rational. Colored tights seemed to fall into this category. Why, I wondered, would I want to make my legs look like they belonged on a cartoon character? How does a grown woman wear colored tights without looking as if she has raided a preschooler's closet? WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT FROM ME, ANYWAY????

Never a woman to admit defeat, I decided to meet this month's Everybody, Everywear theme with fortitude. So I went to Urban Outfitters and perused the colors they offered. White would make me look like a nurse; blue a Smurf. Pink was too...pink.  I choose green, the color associated with good luck and money. This was purposeful. There's nothing wrong with money. I love money, you love money, you will love my green tights.

In he end, I think I pulled this trend off with success. Keeping the rest of my outfit simple helped my tights give an interesting pop of color without making it look like rainbow threw up on me.

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