Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Giveaway winner announced! Missoni for Target cosmetics case & Starbucks gift card

Well, this is embarrassing. I completely forgot to draw a winner for the November 18th Missoni for Target and Starbucks giveaway. My bad. Thankfully, a kind reader drew my attention to this oversight yesterday. Otherwise I would probably have continued on, totally oblivious.

The winner of the giveaway is...

Christina Luna!

Christina said:

1. You absolutely do not love rompers! Hahaha I nearly peed reading that one!
2. I like the post where you went to the John Frieda event with all the pictures and where you got your make-up done! I loved loved LOVED that outfit, I actually put it on my inspiration board for fall! I also really love the Sunday smile posts to catch up on anything I've missed.
3. New York!
4. Yes, I think you should consider it!

I'm sitting here drooling over my keyboard with hopes of winning that Missoni make up bag! I wasn't financially fit to splurge at Target, but I'm hoping that soon enough I'll have a piece for myself!

Thanks to everyone for entering! Christina, please send me an email with your shipping address so I can send you your winnings!

I have another giveaway planned next week to celebrate my one-year blog anniversary, and it's gonna be a good one!  Stay tuned!

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