Friday, November 11, 2011

Giveaway: DFW readers, win a Pinkberry party with ten of your friends!

It's the little things that make life worth living. The first truly crisp day of fall; the simplicity of a homecooked meal; the cozy hug of a warm sweater all elevate an otherwise ordinary day into something extraordinary. A trip out for frozen yogurt does the same thing for me. I love choosing a flavor, sprinkling on toppings, and eating my creation out on a patio or the driver's seat of my car. It's fun, and tasty, and transforms an otherwise boring day into a great one.

I spent this summer eating an embarrassing amount of frozen yogurt. It was kind of gross. I wanted all the frozen yogurt, all of the time. It got to the point where even my children had enough. Now that the weather has turned cooler, my appetite for something sweet hasn't abated. So imagine my delight when I was contacted by Pinkberry to offer a prize involving their frozen yogurt. 

Pinkberry is the bomb dot com. It's made from hormone-free nonfat milk and tastes a lot fresher than most frozen yogurts. The company has introduced a special limited edition holiday flavor this month - Peppermint Pinkberry. It has a sweet, minty taste with a hint of vanilla. You guys, it's delicious. For real. I tried it with chocolate sause and it was practically a religious experience. As a tie-in to their new flavor, from November 4 – January 5, customers can enjoy Pinkberry Take Home, 25 ounces of Pinkberry swirled-to-order, for just $5 with a purchase of any small Pinkberry with toppings or larger. Holding the equivalent of five small Pinkberry servings, Pinkberry Take Home lets fans enjoy Pinkberry at home whenever the craving hits and is perfect for sharing with friends and family.

Pinkberry has graciously offered my Dallas-Fort Worth readers a Pinkberry party! The winner will get to share a Pinkberry party with ten of their friends. This prize is only good for residents in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

To enter:

  • Follow Pinkberry on Facebook ( OR Twitter (@PBerryDallas)
  • Leave a comment at the end of this post with your email address.
 I'll chose a winner next Friday. Good luck and thanks for entering!

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