Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thrifting 101 - This week I thrifted: Vintage wool cardigan

Vintage thrifted cardigan; thrifted Madewell pants; thrifted vintage Wrangler shirt; vintage thrifted loafers; thrifted Coach bag

Let's start today's Thrifting 101 post with a little word association game. What pops into your head when you hear the word 'autumn?' Maybe you think of the shift in seasons from warm weather to chilly temperatures. Perhaps it leads you to remember the start of school, of freshly sharpened pencils and new school supplies and your evil 3rd grade teacher who refused to say your name correctly (thanks a lot, Mrs. Edwards.) Autumn might also trigger memories of playing in piles of fall leaves, their bright colors sprinkled across your backyard like confetti.

When I hear the word 'autumn', I think of cardigans. That's basically it. Oh, and pumpkin things, but that's for another post. There's something joyful about a cardigan. It's warm, and snuggly, and can be worn with basically anything. I'm partial to the kind of chunky cardigans that affectionately nuzzle my neck and look as if they'd been knit by a Nordic grandmother, the kind that always has hard candies in her pocket.

I found this vintage cardigan in a newly discovered thrift store last week for less than $3. I'd like to imagine it was worn by a 1960's collegiate as she dashed across campus, scattering leaves across the sidewalk.

Do you have a favorite cardigan? And what do you think of when you hear the word 'autumn?'

In case you missed it:

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